+draper noir;

25 || bushwick || artist

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being born and raised in london wasn’t quite enough for noir as he continuously seeks adventure; it very clearly showed when the moment he turned eighteen he packed a single bag and ran off to brooklyn– ever since, he’s been in the city.

soft at heart, hard exterior. he’s been told that sums him up fairly well but lately he’s been a bit more all around soft than usual. that potentially might be due to the fact that he’s found someone to chip away at his walls or maybe he’s just simply changing as a person.

as of now, he works at a design company in soho making screen prints of local band posters. in his free time he plays a few gigs of his own, nothing huge, just bars and such. when he’s not working or performing, you’ll more likely than not find him at home playing video games, watching anime, smoking himself out, or running around the city looking for new places to take in.

( made with carrd )